Summer Physics Program

AP Physics (Mechanics) and AP Physics (Electricity & Magnetism) is a Review and Test Prep class. It is assumed that the students who enroll are currently taking AP Physics (Mechanics) and AP Physics (E&M). This course is designed to help students achieve solid A in their base schools and enable them to be well prepared for the AP Physics Test.

The AP Physics class will focus on the critical AP Physics test and problem solving in AP Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism. It will review comprehensive knowledge and concepts in the May AP Physics test, which includes two major parts: AP Physics (Mechanics) and AP Physics (E & M).

In class, students will be actively engaged in challenging problem solving, difficult Physics formula learning, and strategic test taking skills. The majority of our former students achieved a perfect score of 5 on the AP test and scores of 700-800 for the SAT Physics Test.

AP Physics Part II covers  AP Physics 1, 2 & C (Electricity & Magnetism). Pre-requisite: students must have taken Part I (Mechanics) and advanced calculus.

  • Electric Field
  • Electric Potential
  • Circuit
  • Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Waves & Optics
  • Geometric Optics
  • Physical Optics
  • Thermodynamics I
  • Thermodynamics II
  • Thermal Properties
  • Modern Physics

AP Physics Instructor Dr. D. Luzader

Dr. D. Luzader is an experienced instructor who holds master’s degrees and a PhD in Physics. She received degrees from Northeastern University, and University of Maryland. Dr. D. has more than 23 years of teaching college-level Physics at a State University in Maryland. She has also conducted Physics research with CERN (European Nuclear Research Center, Geneva, Switzerland), and the University of Maryland. She enjoys teaching and tutoring AP Physics to high school students both during the school year and especially in the summer. She has joined Oakton Academy’s AP Physics teaching team since 2018. She is very excited about teaching the summer AP Physics at Oakton Academy. 

Instructor: Dr. Frank Lu is an experienced teacher with a PhD in Physics & Artificial Intelligence (AI) . He received degrees from Fudan University, University of Maryland, and Duke University. Dr. Lu taught college students at UMBC (MD), and American University (DC). He also tutored and taught students from TJ, Oakton, and Langley High Schools as well as other private schools. His students have received excellent scores in SAT Physics (700 – 800) and AP Physics (5).

Dr. Lu’s unique instructional method and teaching style includes many question and problem solving sessions, sharpening students’ understanding of key concepts, enabling students to apply those concepts to solve real Physics problems in life, and building a solid foundation for the rigorous AP Physics Test.

From 2014 to 2021, Dr. Lu’s AP and SAT Physics students reported their admission to top schools, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, U Chicago, Duke, Georgetown, UPenn, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, UC Berkeley, UIUC, Vanderbilt, UVA, Georgia Tech,  V Tech, and other great colleges. A big congratulation to our seniors!!

Textbook Information: Fundamentals of Physics / 7th Edition, by Halliday/Resnick/Walker

Summer Physics Program

Sunday: Westfield High School/HCS (Chantilly Campus)

Saturday: 2705 Hunter Mill Rd, VA 22124 

Chinese Version


AP考试是高中阶段最关键的考试之一, 考试成绩的好坏,直接关系到大学申请,为此无论是考生还是家长,尤为重视。对于那些想要冲刺AP高分,进入重点大学的学生来说,考试辅导和准备很重要! AP Physics 1, 2, and AP Physics C test 2017, 请查看 AP Testing Dates: 2017 AP Testing Dates


针对AP考试题题型进行个性化专项指导。老师在教学中,注重出题规律、解题技巧的解析,让学生们在较短的时间内加深对新学概念的理解, 融会贯通, 掌握考试技巧, 以此提高成绩。

Oakton Academy < AP Physics > 小班制可以让老师有针对性的对学生进行辅导,要求学生重点归纳整理所学物理知识,重点在于归纳整理,同时传授AP物理解题技巧。旨在用教师丰富的教学经验和个人的实践积累指导学生更有效地学习,更从容地面对考试。涉及的内容有概念题综合训练、选择题综合训练等。选用各重点高中和 Barron’s 教科书和练习题.


同步学习高中AP物理教材全部内容。强化重点难点知识的学习,强化训练解题技巧。复习基础知识, 基本概念, 查缺补漏, 积累应考经验,提高应考能力。关注AP考核中热点题型,理清重点概念, 独立做对书中典型习题. 如需了解更多课程详情,请咨询: [email protected]; or 571-354-7199.