AP Physics, Honors Physics, SAT Physics

AP Physics, Honors Physics Prep Class

AP and Honors Physics focus on key and challenging concepts that students found hard to understand. The small study group and class helps high school students with their learning AP Physics, and Honors Physics, enable them to achieve solid A, and to better prepare for AP test and SAT Physics.

Oakton Academy offers high quality of 1) preview, 2) review, and 3) AP test prep courses for AP Physics, Honors Physics, SAT Physics in the Fall, Spring and Summer. 

The AP Physics Class is designed for students who are currently taking AP Physics (1,2, C) or Honors Physics class. In the first and second quarter, our program will be focusing on MECHANICS, which each school is covering.  Our AP Class helps students gain strong foundation in learning the challenging concepts in Physics, including Questions and Problem Solving sessions to help students sharp their understanding of key Physics concepts, and learn how to apply those concepts to solve real Physics problems in life. The course secure them solid and excellent scores in their base school, as well as help them practice and prepare for AP Physics exam. 

Instructor:  Dr. Frank Lu is an experienced teacher with PhD in Physics & Artificial Intelligence. He received degrees from Fudan University, University of Maryland, and Duke University. Dr. Lu tutored and taught college students at UMBC (MD), and American University (DC). He has been teaching students from TJ, Oakton, Langley, McLean, Chantilly, Centreville, Westfield high school,  as well as private schools (Flint Hill, Potomac, Blaire, NySmith, etc). Most students who took the AP and SAT Physics classes received excellent scores in SAT Physics (700 – 800) and AP Physics (5).

In previous college admissions, Dr. Lu’s AP and SAT Physics students got admitted to many top schools, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Chicago, Duke, NYU, UC Berkeley, Georgetown,  Upenn Wharton, etc. Congratulations to our seniors and their families!

Dr. D. Luzader is an experienced instructor who holds both master’s degrees and a PhD in Physics.  She has more than 24 years of teaching college-level Physics. She conducted Physics research with CERN (European Nuclear Research Center, Geneva, Switzerland), and the University of Maryland. Dr. Luzader has joined Oakton Academy’s AP Physics teaching team since 2018, and she enjoys teaching and tutoring our wonderful students at Oakton Academy.   

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based college-level physics course. It covers the following topics:

  • Kinematics
  • Dynamics
  • Circular motion and gravitation
  • Energy
  • Momentum
  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Torque and rotational motion
  • Electric charge and electric force
  • Direct Current circuits; and mechanical waves and sound

For details, please click the LINKS below: 



Registration:  Registration Link 

Contacts: [email protected]; 571-354-7199

Chinese Version:  AP物理小班辅导课程


AP考试是高中阶段最关键的考试之一, 考试成绩的好坏,直接关系到重点大学申请就读,为此无论是考生还是家长,尤为重视。对于那些想要冲刺AP高分,进入重点大学的学生来说,复习和提分很重要! AP Physics 1, 2, and AP Physics C test, 请查看 AP Testing Dates: 2017 AP Testing Dates


针对AP考试题题型进行个性化专项指导。老师在教学中,注重出题规律、解题技巧的解析,让学生们在较短的时间内加深对新学概念的理解, 融会贯通, 掌握考试技巧, 以此提高成绩。

Oakton Academy < AP Physics > 小班制可以让老师有针对性的对学生进行辅导,要求学生重点归纳整理所学物理知识,重点在于归纳整理,同时传授AP物理解题技巧。旨在用教师丰富的教学经验和个人的实践积累指导学生更有效地学习,更从容地面对考试。涉及的内容有概念题综合训练、选择题综合训练等。选用各重点高中和 Barron’s 教科书和练习题. 


同步学习高中AP物理教材全部内容。强化重点难点知识的学习,强化训练解题技巧。复习基础知识, 基本概念, 查缺补漏, 积累应考经验,提高应考能力。关注AP考核中热点题型,理清重点概念, 独立做对书中典型习题. 如需了解更多课程详情,请咨询: [email protected]; or 571-354-7199.

【高中物理解答1】针对部分家长的询问,老师将有关回答概括如下。此高中物理课:1. 针对正在上“AP物理”的学生;每周二小时的复习,温习,巩固概念,解答疑难,帮助学生们总结全新的并且难以理解的物理公式,概念,以及解题方法。期待学生们能在高中物理的学习过程中,稳步前行,稳拿高分!2. 此课重点为AP物理课程复习; AP物理(AP test) 考试重点和难点讲解.

【高中物理解答2】 AP或SAT物理考试: 此课测重高深的物理公式,复杂的物理概念,以及各种不同的解题方法。期待这系统的学习为学生们打好良好的基础,也为五月份考出好的AP或SAT物理成绩做好充分准备!有关SAT物理考试事项,有另外开设SAT Physics,专门帮助学生复习应试物理的课程, 请查看:  SAT Subject Physics Test Prep .

【高中物理解答3】个别家长询问:这对备考Fnet=ma exam 有用吗?it is one of the exams in USAPHO.   共25题,其中主要是力学题,包括静力平衡,抛物体,落体,功,能,碰撞, 圆周运动, 浮力,等等。这类题概念很重要。以上概念均在此”高中物理 (AP Physics, Honors Physics”范围之内!

【高中物理解答4】以往上过此”AP物理课”的学生情况:  在他们本校 物理课堂里,多数能得到A。此课的全面和系统的复习会帮助学生融会贯通,提高他们学物理的自信,增强他们学物理的动力和积极性。更多的学生在5月份的AP和SAT考试时表现极佳;75% – 80% 学生能获得AP 5分;或SAT 800, 780 的高分.